Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Apple iPhone Market

Here at Inkling, we are huge Apple fans and Mac users through and through. We were elated to see the announcements about the Apple iPhone and will more than likely be purchasing them come summertime if we can swallow the $499/$599 bill (gulp).

But more importantly, in one of our most heavily traded markets ever, the crowd predicted correctly. Right before MacWorld, Inkling users had put the probability of an iPhone announcement at 91%. This went along with growing indications an announcement was imminent, but there were definitely holdouts who felt it would not happen. In fact, yours truly shorted the iPhone stock, thinking the announcement would come later this summer. :( So much for my prediction abilities when it comes to my second favorite company.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its interesting to read older posts on the iPhone. We are now 200 days post sales on iPhone, and Apple has sold 4M units. That's a WOW! >20% market share in smart phones.